Ten Golden Rules to Ventilate ARDS Patients

Ten Golden Rules to Ventilate ARDS Patients

 Dr-Paolo-Pelosi-Critical-care-Egypt-Respiratory-CareLecture presented by Dr Paolo Pelosi at the Egyptian Critical Care Summit 2022 .

Dr Pelosi is currently Chief Professor in Anesthesia and Intensive Care and Director of the Specialty School in Anesthesiology at the University of Genoa as well as Head of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit at the IRCCS San Martino-IST Hospital, Genoa, Italy. His activity has been always directed both to the clinical and research field.
The main research interests of Prof. Pelosi have been directed to respiratory physiology during anesthesia and respiratory failure. Prof. Pelosi developed several collaborations with highly scientifically reputed groups in European and Extra-European countries, for research in the field of mechanical ventilation and sepsis in experimental and clinical settings.

Dr Pelosi has participated in the Egyptian Italian Symposium on Critical care Medicine held in December 2021. His lecture was COVID-19 Pneumonia is not a traditional ARDS