ECCCP Membership

ECCCP Membership


Methods to become a member:
Before applying for ECCCP membership, the applicant must choose the type of membership as well as the preferred method of payment.

ECCCP Member:

  • Has all the privileges mentioned for the member
  • Has the right to become a fellow
  • Has the right to participate in the elections
  • ESICM Dual Membership
    The Dual Membership is a membership with the European Society of Intensive

    Care Medicine “ESICM” once you become a member with the ECCCP as an agreement between both societies.This membership with the ESICM is for a discounted fee (110 Euros). The member will enjoy all the benefits of the regular member.


Affiliated Member:

(Does not work permanently in the critical care arena)

  • Has all the benefits of the member, however,
  • Does NOT have the right to become a fellow
  • Does NOT have the right to participate in the elections.

International Member:

  • Has all the benefits of the member
  • Has the right to become a fellow
  • Does NOT have the right to participate in the elections

Membership Fees

For Egyptians:

  • ECCCP Members: 150 LE / year
  • ECCCP Affiliated Member: 100 LE/ year
  • International Members: US $ 50 /year

1- Payment in Cash:

Through payment to the Administration of the ECCCP in the Critical Care medicine department, Cairo University. Attention Ms. Amal Abdel Rahman.

2- Payment to the ECCCP Bank Account.

Please call ECCCP Administration to get our bank information if this is the preferred method of payment.






